Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Could i be pregnant? or no? please help :(?

today i would have been a week and 4 days late. i have never been that late. im 18 years old. i had a lot of pregnancy symptoms like my period was late, my boobs hurt, i was always wanting foods i dont even like, i was having trouble using the bathroom...if you get what i mean, more gasy, alwayss hungry and can never get full it seems like, super sleepy all the time, having to wear a panty liner due to more discharge, and light cramping around my uterus area, instead of on the sides like i do for period cramps. last nigt i started feeling those light cramps and got extremely tired so i fell asleep and when i woke up i went pee and when i wiped i saw a brownish clolor... i was soo upset so i just went to sleep and instead of going to school this morning i stayed home. when i woke up there was nothing on my panty liner so i thought it stopped but no, i saw blood in the toilet but when i wiped it was still brown instead of red. later on in the day i went to the bathroom again and there was still barley anything one my panty liner which is weird for a period for me, and what was on it was brown, but when i pee its redish in the toilet. if its a period it should be heavier. i just dont see how i could have all those pregnancy symptoms and then get my period. and i dont see how or why my period came soo late because the past 3 months it has came on its exact due date and all my other periods have never been over 3 days late. and im not stressed or sick or anything like that to make it over a week late. i also cant see a doctor because i currently dont have insurance and no form of transportation to a planned parenthood. please help me out :(

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